Members Only
We already have the ability to limit what people who are logged in, and not logged in, are able to see when it comes to certain elements of the website.
I wish we had the ability to do this with entire pages.
I would love to see a "membership" type of website creation ability come into play - where people could sign up or purchase a "package" of some type and be able to create a unique login where they can see items they've purchased or purchasing specific products (like creating a separate page for wholesale vs retail).
Hi there The World Needs YOU Now , thank you for submitting to our Forum!
You can set visibility settings for your pages in particular by navigating to your Dashboard > Pages App > hover over your desired pages, then Edit > Visible to > Logged in users only.
In addition, once you add the User Account Element and your users log in, they can click on that profile and be able to see all their purchases in the "My Orders" section.