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I'm getting a cert expired error on my website, it's currently down. Please help

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  • Hello Barry Ziegler , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 

    Please, try reconnecting your custom domain by disconnecting and adding your custom domain to your Ucraft website. In case of further issues or questions, do not hesitate to contact our 24/7 Customer Support chat for further assistance! 

  • Experiencing a certificate expired error on my website, and it is currently inaccessible. Seeking assistance to resolve the issue and bring the website back online. Any help is appreciated.


    • Hello Elizabeth! 


      Please feel free to reach out to us through the live chat available here, on the bottom right corner and we'll be more than happy to assist you!



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  • Status Answered
  • 8 mths agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 43Views
  • 3 Following