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How to edit my about page?

Hi, I recently joined Ucraft and I am working on my first site. I have designed a home page and now I would like to work on an about page. I created the page but now I can't figure out how to open the page to edit or design it. Can you tell me where to go to do this? 

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  • Hey there Alicia Pearson , glad you've joined Ucraft and thank you for submitting to our Forum! 🤗 

    Go to your Dashboard and access the 'Pages App', where you can easily add, remove, or rename your pages. Once you hover over a specific page, you'll have the option to Edit, Go, Duplicate, Set Password, or Delete the page.  

    Here are some articles that can be of help;
    Pages App
    The Edit Mode Basics
    Ucraft How To's

    If you still have questions or need help with anything, don't hesitate to contact our Support Team via Live Chat! ✨

  • To edit your About page, log in to your website's platform or CMS, locate the About page in the site editor, enter edit mode, make desired changes to text or media, save, and publish or update the page.

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  • Status Answered
  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 2Replies
  • 130Views
  • 3 Following