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How to make font of a comments big?

How to make font size of a comment big? What's the markup?

Can all users do it? Or, only selected guys have this privilege? @DVK in question is topmost guy on SFF.SE and has Gold Badge in harry-potter tag. Has something to do with that? also i want to write comment in desiging font style from Anchor fonts can i do this if anyone knows about this please tell me 


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  • Hi there Hazel Connor , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum!

    Would you please clarify builder's which element customization are you referring to?

    You can upload custom fonts through the Fonts App, including different styles of it. You can navigate to the Font Library and check out Google Fonts as well. Here you can choose the Number of Styles each Font offers and the Thickness to help narrow your search.

    The number of styles allows your fonts to be displayed in different formats, such as bold, italic, thin etc. Not using specific font styles will disable the bold setting, and you won't be able to use it.

    You are also able to control the typography of your website and create separate Heading and Paragraph Stylings in the Designer Tools App > Typography section. Modify the text gradation, the font family, its size and weight, line height, letter spacing, add shadows and change colors. 

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  • Status Answered
  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 52Views
  • 3 Following