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How do you connect your own domain name?

I don't understand computer speak so I don't have any idea what I am doing.

I have a domain name with hostgator. I have built a free website here at ucraft.

I don't know how to connect my domain name to the ucraft website.

I've tried to follow the instructions on: but on hostgator I try to change the name servers to the data numbers you have given me but nothing happens.

Please advise a layperson exactly what I need to do.

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  • Hi there, thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 👋

    First, you need to add the A type record so that your domain point to your Ucraft website, kindly follow these steps:

    1. Log into cPanel.
    2. In the Domains section, click Simple Zone Editor.
    3. Select the domain from the drop-down menu that you wish to use.
    4. Go to the Add an A Record section.
    5. Provide the name for the A Record and add the IP Address.
    6. Click Add an A Record.
    • Host: @
    • Host: www

    You can check out this article to learn how you can access and manage the DNS Records.

    As an alternative, you can try to connect your domain via Cloudflare.

    Here's an article with detailed instructions.

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  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 137Views
  • 2 Following