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where are all the fonts? how do I get shadows behind my fonts? how do I get a picture "below" the block layer? How do I get dropdown menus?

Help pleese!!

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  • Hey, Jeff! Thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum!

    You can either make use of our Integration with Google Fonts to enable adding loads of great Font Styles or opt for Custom fonts to enhance your website typography with new fonts. 

    • To do so, simply head to *My Fonts* section and hit the '+' icon to upload your own. Keep in mind that the supported formats are ttf, otf, woff. 

    You can create shadows for the text in the Designer Tools App on Dashboard.

    You'll find the appropriate App on your Dashboard!

    To change the background of the block simply press Block Settings (the three dots at the top left corner of your block) > Block Background > and you'll see the option to either upload your own image or get one from our free stock. 

    As for the dropdown menu, you'll need to add subpages first.

    Please navigate to your Dashboard > Pages App and just hit the ‘+’ icon below your main page. Then, you can use our Pages element to add a navigation bar to your website.

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us via Live Chat! Our Support team is available 24/7.💫

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  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 108Views
  • 2 Following