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opt-in/opt-out cookie consent script

Hi all! 

Since the cookie consent is mandatory in the EU. How do you see including a script with the opt-in/opt-out in the free package?


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  • Hi there javier bilbao , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 

    For a cookie solution, you'll need to embed an HTML code you get from a Cookie-Script website of your choice to your Ucraft website through the Custom HTML element or Code Injection section found in the Site Settings APP. 

    Both tools are available on the paid plans and to have the codes active you'll need to connect a custom domain to your website. 

  • There are many companies out there who are giving cookie consent banner for your website, but i found the best service by seers, they are really best in it. You can easily get your cookie consent banner from them,

    Like 1
    • himalayan
    • himalayan
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    An opt-in/opt-out cookie consent script is a script that is used on websites to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy laws. This script presents users with a choice to either opt-in or opt-out of the use of cookies on the website.

    When a user first visits a website, the cookie consent script will typically display a pop-up or banner that asks for the user's consent to the use of cookies. The pop-up will typically include information about what types of cookies the website uses and how they are used.

    If the user chooses to opt-in to the use of cookies, the website will then set cookies on the user's browser that allow it to remember their preferences and track their activity on the site. If the user chooses to opt-out of the use of cookies, the website will not set any cookies and may restrict certain features or functions of the site.

  • Both tools are available on the paid plans and to have the codes active you'll need to connect a custom domain to your website. 

  • Including a cookie consent script for opt-in/opt-out functionality is indeed important for websites that need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy regulations in the EU. Here's how you might approach this in the context of a free package:

    1. Open Source Cookie Consent Libraries: Many open-source cookie consent libraries are available that allow you to easily implement cookie consent banners on your website. Some popular options include "CookieConsent" by Osano and "cookie-banner" by Silktide. These libraries usually provide customizable banners that users can interact with to give their consent.

    2. Package Integrations: Since you're using a free package, you can look for ways to integrate these open-source libraries into your application. Most of these libraries provide clear documentation and guides for integration.

    3. Adding the Script: To integrate the script, you'll need to include it in your website's HTML. You might place it just before the closing `</body>` tag to ensure that it loads after the rest of your content. The script will then display the cookie consent banner based on the user's preferences.

    4. Customization: Many of these libraries allow you to customize the appearance of the consent banner to match your website's design. You can usually adjust the content, colors, position, and behavior of the banner.

    5. Handling Opt-in/Opt-out: Once the consent banner is set up, the library should handle the opt-in/opt-out functionality. Users who opt-in can have their preferences stored, and cookies can be set or removed accordingly.

    6. Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy: It's important to have clear and comprehensive privacy and cookie policies on your website. These policies should explain what data you collect, why you collect it, and how you use it. They should also outline how users can manage their cookie preferences.

    7. Testing: Always thoroughly test the implementation to ensure that the consent banner works as expected on different devices, browsers, and screen sizes.

    8. Accessibility: Make sure the consent banner is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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