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“Quick View” feature

I would LOVE to see a “quick view” or preview feature added for text links. Like little windows that pop up that can include a photo and some descriptive text. Kind of like on forever21’s website. I want to add “blurbs” to certain aspects of my website that wouldn’t require an entirely new page and link, but where the reader could stay on the one page and keep clicking different “pop ups”/more interactive elements on the one page.

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  • Hey Aim :)

    Thanks for this suggestion. It is an interesting feature, certainly useful. We will be looking into adding this in the future.


    Ucraft Support Team

      • Aim Levy
      • Aim_Levy
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      support That would be AMAZING! I'm picturing little thought bubbles that could pop up when attached to a word too, in addition to a pop up window design within the page. You guys are awesome! Loving the new feature discussions.

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  • Status Planned
  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 2Replies
  • 131Views
  • 2 Following