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How to change wordings in email notification & invoice (ecommerce)


Where do I go & how can I change the wordings of the default email notification & invoice to customers in ecommerce plan?

For example: instead of "shipping", I want to change to "delivery" or I want to change the greetings in email notification.

Thank you

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  • Hi Abulkalam Othman
    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    If you want to modify your default email notifications, I would suggest checking the following link to get more insights.

    However, if you want to modify your invoice, you can edit the template of the invoice so that it looks exactly like you want. Invoice template contains:

    • Variables to refer to the store or buyer information (invoice templates use the same collection of variables as our email notifications).
    • Freemarker tags to replace variables with actual values and for their conditional rendering.
    • CSS and HTML to define the structure and look of the invoice.

    To customize the invoice:

    1. From your eCommerce App, go to Settings > Invoice.
    2. Click Edit template.
    3. Make the desired changes in the template.
    4. Before saving any changes, click the Preview link on top to see what the invoice will look like.
    5. If you don’t like the result, click the Revert to default link at the bottom of the template to restore the default invoice template.
    6. Click Save.

    Feel free to contact us via the live chat button on the bottom right of your website for further assistance! 

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  • Status Answered
  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 31Views
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