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Mobile/Desktop Editing Modes.

Can you add modes to edit just the items for a certain device?  It would be easier than using the "Hide item on a certain device" feature.

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  • Hi Avery , since you only edit your website while in the Desktop version, go to the Left Panel to switch the edit versions to either Desktop or Mobile. 

    Located on the Left Panel is the Monitor Icon. Click on this icon to choose the version you'd like to edit.


    You can also set up a Device Visibility for your Blocks or Elements, by simply opting for Visibility Settings and choosing from Visible on Desktop or Mobile options.

    Here are some articles to guide you through;

    Manage Your Blocks and Elements Visibility Settings

    • Simon
    • Simon
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    As far as I'm concerned once you edit, for example a font size, in the Mobile section selected the way you show in the screenshot it also applies changes to the desktop version.


    Please make it possible to do device specific changes without the "Hiding on certain device" feature

    • Simon , some changes are being applied per element, not per device; the font size is one of those features. It is so to maintain specific elements' responsiveness and the blocks and elements are smart enough to adapt to different devices. 

      Here, the workaround is to create two blocks for each section that need to have different parameters and basically customize one for mobile and the other one for desktop. Opt for the Visibility Settings mentioned earlier to be able to view correct blocks on according devices.

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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