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Show price with taxes included

Show price with taxes included

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  • Hi there miguel , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 👋 

    The eCommerce App automatically calculates tax rates for different regions. There are two ways to set up taxes in your store;

    - Automatic taxes. They are available for merchants in the USA, the EU, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Automatic taxes provide up-to-date standard rates across the store and can be enabled in one button click.

    - Manual taxes. If automatic taxes are not available for your country or you sell differently taxed products, you can configure taxes manually.

    To set up automatic taxes:

    1. Enter your actual company address in the eCommerce admin, Settings → General. This address is needed to calculate and apply the right tax rate to orders at checkout.
    2. Enable automatic taxes in the Settings → Taxes section.

    Now you’ll be able to include taxes in the product price. From the Settings → Taxes section select the tax or create a new one and select the “Include tax in product prices” option:


    • miguel
    • miguel
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I have enabled the check, but what I would like is that in the price that is shown on the page, that is, the price you assign to the article will be shown on the page with the rate included, instead of showing it when it is going to pay Article.

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    • miguel Thank you for the clarification! As our eCommerce App is an Integration, there is a chance that the app we're using will introduce a 'Switch to Tax-Inclusive Prices' tool soon, and we'll be able to have it in our app as well.

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  • I asked for this very small but important feature some months ago. It's in fact something very annoying what you describe here.

    • Lucas Segers hey there! Check out our latest Release Note, which covers switching to Tax-Inclusive prices. Also, you can now generate legally compliant tax invoices for your store and use these documents for reporting purposes (or otherwise).

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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