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Website is gone and no live chat box anywhere on the screen to talk to someone

Website is gone and it has not been 90 days for either management nor subscription inquiry. Can customer service please step up?

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  • If a website is gone and there's no live chat box visible on the screen, it may indicate technical issues or the site being temporarily unavailable. You can try checking later or look for alternative ways to contact the website's support or admin, such as through their contact page or email, to inquire about the issue.


  • Hey there, - uaisa ! Thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 

    Please, note that any websites created are being automatically deleted from the database, without the possibility of restoration, within 90 days. This deletion occurs following the expiration of the trial period if the service is not eventually purchased by the user or following the expiration of the subscription if it is not renewed or managed by the user.

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  • Status Answered
  • 1 yr agoLast active
  • 2Replies
  • 147Views
  • 4 Following