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User Account - Paid membership area

Can we please have a feature where customers pay to get access to a members-only area on the website? 

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  • Hi Cathy , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 👋

    Lucky for you, Ucraft has a flexible visibility management when it comes to managing the visibility of blocks, elements and pages! The Visibility Settings allow you to control who sees certain areas of the website depending on the Device, Location, Language, or Session.

    By setting up a Session Visibility, you get to decide who the section will be visible to: the public, logged in users only, or logged out users only. 

    User Account Element comes in handy here as well, as you can create membership functionality through it, so you can later set up your Pages Visibility to 'Logged in Users Only'. With the User Account Element, users will be able to submit a registration form and become a member. You can set the default status of registers to 'Pending' and only approve it once a payment is completed. However, the payment process should be done outside of Ucraft; you can add a Button, Text or Icon and link it accordingly to your payment processor's page.

    Here's an article for more insight on how to set up Visibility Settings for your website. 👀

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  • Status Answered
  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 38Views
  • 2 Following