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Blog - Centering image without full size screen

Hello !

I'm pretty happy with the blogging feature on Ucraft. But there one tiny detail that I really really hate : forcing full size screen image when I want to center my image.

Why oh why is that?

Full size screen should be optional. I'm sure some people love it! So let's not take it away and please add the option to keep intact the original size of the image with just a simple center.


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  • Hi Marine Feuilleaubois  ! 

    We'll make sure to put in a feature request to give you more flexibility on adjusting the size of your images in articles. Thank you for the feedback! 😊

    For now, if you want to make your image smaller you can click on the image and align it either to the left or to the right of your text. 

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  • Status Planned
  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 114Views
  • 2 Following