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Editor status sharing

This website builder is amazing, but I feel that it is stressful to make it on my own and will take less time to make it if we were able to share editing permission with other people! Other website builders have this option on their free versions such as Google Sites, Wix, and other website builders! I know that there is an option called Teams in the dashboard, but if you have the free version of Ucraft then you can't share permission to edit the site with other people! It would be nice and extremely helpful if you guys changed the ability to share the website with others so that you can do it on every payment plan, even the free plan! 

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  • Hi Egan Wallace , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum!

    You are correct, we do have a Team App, which gives an opportunity to collaborate on your site with your team, however in order to activate this feature, you'll need to upgrade to one of our Paid Plans

    We understand your concern and here's what we can suggest as a workaround: you can take a 14 day trial to a higher plan (just click 'Change Plan' in your Dashboard), test your website to the fullest (make use of the desired app as well) and if you decide to upgrade for more settings, keep the subscription or cancel anytime without any commitment.

    ❗️Just make sure to request the downgrade (by contacting us, as downgrade button is still in the implementation) within the 14 days of the trial, otherwise downgrading won't be an option. You can contact us via the live chat button in the bottom right of your website and one of our assistants will get back to you at no time! 

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  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 82Views
  • 2 Following