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Ecommerce Order

I noticed that when I add new products to my store the new one goes in front of every product on the page. Would it be possible to make that one product appear somewhere in the middle of the display of products instead of right at the front?

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  • Hi Sam Abadie , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 👋

    Something we can offer is going to your eCommerce App > Settings > Cart and Checkout > in Catalog Settings change the 'Default Products Sort Order'

    'Defined by store owner' displays products in the same order as specified in your eCommerce App >  Catalog > Categories section.

    If you want to make a custom order that way, once you're in the Categories section > click the desired category > go to the Category products tab > drag and drop the products to sort them.

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  • Status Answered
  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 28Views
  • 2 Following