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Employee Success Story: Once a Queen, Always a Queen!

Our Ucraft Springbuilder Product Owner Armine joined Ucraft around three years ago and has passed a phenomenal path from QA specialist to Product Owner. She shares her thoughts on her path at Ucraft, what qualities built into her growth as a PO, more.  

She speaks about what place Ucraft is and has become for many. Check out the interview here for those mentioned above and more!

  1. What are some of the qualities (professional and personal) that have helped you in your role in Ucraft? 

    They say I have these so-called German traits to deliver my work responsibly: on time and in the proper manner. This has helped me throughout my career much to overcome challenges. I’m always eager to learn new things and to use that knowledge in practice which is another key to my achievements from the professional point of view.

    But don’t jump into quick assumptions about my character! As my team says, I am also a motivating and caring team lead. I put my best to bring the drive to my teammates and encourage and assist them as much as I can. 

  2. Tell us a bit about your path at Ucraft - we know that you did not start off as a PO.
    I joined the Ucraft family almost three years ago as a QA specialist. I received a very warm welcome from the team and our PO Narek: it felt like they were waiting for me and it felt important and encouraging from the very start. I was a part of the Spring Builder project and worked hard on it for about a year. This one year made me a better specialist and a better team member which enabled me to be promoted to the position of QA team lead. In that sense, it was a big career boost for me. Trust towards me as a professional raised, and the sense of responsibility accordingly. I recognized my role and managed my team with pleasure and solidarity. 

    Everything changed seven months later when I was offered to become the Product Owner of SpringBuilder. It was an outstanding wind of change in my life. During this transition period, my team was highly supportive, it felt like we were going through this transition together. This challenge also made us become a stronger family within our team. It took me days of hard work to grow and improve as a PO, which implied not only working within the team but smoothly collaborating across other teams. When you stay positive through hardships and challenges that when you know that you belong there.

  3. What place is Ucraft for you? How would you describe it best?

    Ucraft is like my big family. However cliche it might sound, it is that way. I call my teammates brothers and sisters, indeed as I get to spend more time with them than with any of my relatives! We are a team where we care about each other, grow with each other, and create our paths.  

  4. Why do they call you Queen Armine? 
    To be exact, I have had a few nicknames. As a QA I was called Queen Armine. You know, there were several Armines in our team in the same room. Queen Armine swiftly but lawfully enough changed into the Queen :) There are other nicknames circulating currently, like Kombat (which means battalion commander), and Little PO. But let’s not go any further. I’ll stick with the Queen if you please :)

  5. As a close-up, share with us a fun fact about you that nobody knows!
    As I spend a lot of time at Ucraft, my family gets surprised and worried if I happen to get home after regular working hours. My mom often suggests I take a pillow and a blanket to have a more convenient working night out at the office!

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