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How to remove record from the DNS List

I went to DASHBOARD - DOMAIN ; hover over "edit", clicked on it which brought me to DOMAIN SETTINGS, showing "red icon with alphabet i" - I hover over the red icon and it reads "click to show error mesage", which i did, and the message reads "Please remove these records from the DNS list: "

Question: How do i go about removing that record from the DNS List ?

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    • Asif
    • Asif
    • 1 yr ago
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    To remove the record from the DNS list, access your domain registrar or DNS hosting provider's control panel. Locate the specific record mentioned in the error message and delete it. If you need more detailed instructions, consult your provider's help documentation or support.

  • o remove a record from the DNS (Domain Name System) list, you typically need access to your DNS hosting provider's control panel or interface. Log in to your account, navigate to the DNS management section, and locate the specific record you want to remove.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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