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What's new in Ucraft v2.7.0

The v2.7.0 release of Ucraft includes the following enhancements and software fixes. 

Latest Features 

  • [PREVIEW] Redesigned the Preview Mode for Mobile and Tablet views

  • [BLOCKS] Added ‘Change Block’ functionality for saved blocks

  • [LOGOMAKER] Added ‘Add Font’ button in the Fonts dropdown menu

  • [PAGES]  Added page Duplicate functionality for all page types

  • [SLIDER/GALLERY/IMAGE] Added new enable/disable switcher for Title and Description on Mobile

  • [DOMAIN] Added ‘Check’ icon in Domain App to view the records for connected domains

  • [BUTTON] Added ‘Go to’ option for Buttons containing Anchor links

  • [BUILDER] Added ‘About-to-expire/expired’ messages to site's Edit Mode

  • [SITESETTINGS] Enabled multilingual Site Name option 

Bug fixes

  • [PREVIEW] Fixed an issue where Language switcher didn't work for Mobile in Preview mode
  • [GALLERY] Fixed an issue where Title and Description didn't update correctly on Gallery element
  • [ARTICLES] Fixed an issue with cropped Article preview mode when there's an Image added at the end of it
  • [ARTICLES] Fixed an issue where new feeds weren’t saved as draft after being added and fetched
  • [VIDEO] Fixed an issue where Vimeo URL for Video element caused an Internal server error
  • [TRANSLATIONS] Fixed an issue where some validator translation texts disappeared after editing it
  • Other bug fixes and minor additions
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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 124Views
  • 1 Following