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What Happened?

Hi, not sure what has happened or when but it seems something has gone wrong with the website V8-Hospitalty? ( I dont seem to be able to view it properly or have access to the editor?

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  • Hi Lee Moore , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum! 👋

    You can always access the Design Mode of your website by manual Url, or by navigating to your Profile > My Sites section and clicking the Edit button while hovering over your website. 

    The Public Mode of your website browses just fine, both via Ucraft Subdomain and your custom domain name, if you care to elaborate bit more on the issues occurring on your end, we could definitely be more of a help.

    Feel free to contact us via the live chat button on the bottom right of your website for further assistance! 🤓

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  • Status Answered
  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 55Views
  • 2 Following