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My website is gone!

My website has been expired for about 3 months and now I wanted to renew subscription but I can not see it in "My sites". Is it possible to get it back somehow?

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  • Hello Angelika Butenko , thank you for submitting to Ucraft Forum!

    Could you please mention the Url of your website so that we can check on our end? It looks like you have several websites associated with your account.

    Please note that due to our Terms & Conditions > Account Suspension and Deletion policy, the user acknowledges and agrees that the websites created via the tools provided by Ucraft will be deleted by the Owner from its database, without any possibility to restore it in the future, within 90 days running from:

    - the expiration of the trial period, if the Service is not eventually purchased by the User and/or
    - the expiration of the subscription, if the latter is not renewed or the website is not further managed by the user.

    You can also contact us through the 24/7 live chat so that one of our assistants can carry out the inquiry further.

  • If your website is no longer accessible, the issue could be due to various reasons. To address this:

    Check hosting and domain status: Ensure your hosting subscription is active, and the domain registration is not expired. Renew or resolve any issues with your hosting provider or domain registrar.

    Verify website files: Confirm that your website files are intact and haven't been accidentally deleted. Check with your hosting provider for backups or file recovery options. If anyone want to know about polished concrete gold coast visit here

    • Sonya Koelpin
    • CEO at The Search Advisor
    • Sonya_Koelpin
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    If your hosting was expire then its possible you can renew it but if your domain expire and another person register that domain and redirect it or use it for his own purpose that also chances you can't get back your website, another option is to contact with your hosting provider if they have backup and other issues from there side.

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  • Status Answered
  • 10 mths agoLast active
  • 3Replies
  • 150Views
  • 5 Following