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Tracking: How can I track the statistics of my Websites, what’s the best option? 🕵 📈

OK, so you set up your website, the design looks great, you have put the right keywords, attractive titles, articles, valuable info and you have, consistent traffic. Your users surf your website, do actions, click here and there. But how do you really track their behavior on your website? What pages do they watch more often? What pages do they leave right away? Where are they coming from? What do they search?

This information can be very useful when it comes to improving your user experience, getting some info about your users’ preferences, and tracking the statistics of your website in general.  For this purpose, we have plenty of powerful tools. Google Analytics is the gold standard. Though you may also consider our integrations with Hotjar or Yandex Metrics. And if you want to gather data on each customer’s journey through your sales funnel use Kliken or Lucky Orange. Set up two, three or just one that you prefer, and you’re ready to dig in.

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    • 5 yrs ago
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    Great advice!  I would just like to add that smartlook is also a great option.  I lets you take video of your customer's interaction with the site.

  • A feed back mechanism is important to be put in place to determine the way customers feel about  goods or service meted out to them. Additionally, a follow up program whether by phone or by email is the way to go to show the customer that you really care, and at the same time  you will gather the data that you need ,With respect to services rendered online, there is a  comment space, or area, a like or unlike button, and a voice mechanism put in place.
    The pages people watch more are those  of interest to them, And  pages that are not properly presented, or are of no interest to them, would most likely turn them off.

    Finally the use of ads, demos, and testimonials and freebees, - all these and more attract  people from everywhere and guide people in their search for quality and reliable goods and services.

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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