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Changing the text for browser

Hi there,

The title text of my page in the browser is 'Homepage - Gohar-1', but I want to change it to 'Homepage - Gohar'. Do you have any clue on how to edit that?

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  • Greetings👋

    Changing the Title of your Homepage is extremely simple, Gohar.
    To do so, go to Dashboard → Site Settings and change the Site Name from the appropriate field.

    I'd also suggest to make use of our SEO App to change the Meta-title for your Home. Simply select the settings of the homepage and update the Title subsequently⚙️.

    Please be aware that the following in-built app also gives you an option to set the SEO tags for improving your search engine ranking.


  • Hey - I've followed your instructions but it still shows the name of the template in the browser (Yoga Center) - how do I remove it?

    • kimberly middleton Hi, thank you for reaching out and sorry for the wait. Looks like the Title of your homepage is already changed to 'Home', feel free to reach out to us via the live chat, in case anything else comes up! 😉

  • I have found changing the page title in the SEO app will update the page title shown in the browser tab.

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  • Status Answered
  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 336Views
  • 5 Following