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Basic SEO for your Ucraft website

Hey crafter 🙌

64% of your potential customers are using search engines like Google and Yahoo to find you…

Let’s make sure people looking for your products and services can find you when they search online. 

Here are a few things you can do to make sure more of your potential customers can find you on Google: 

  • Check your sitename in Dashboard > Site Settings app. This should be your brand name in most of the cases and will be displayed in the titles (on the browser's tab) of all your pages, as well as on search engine result pages
  • Check if your page URLs are clean. Go to the Pages app, open the settings of all the important Pages and check Alias field. Make sure aliases there are human and search engine friendly
  • Set correct page metas. Titles, description. Again, write human and search engine friendly titles. Include your target keywords in both title and description of every page. Make sure to check the article I wrote (What are keywords? SEO. Ads. Luck?) that will help you master the art of keywords in meta title and description
  • Set correct article and product metas. You can do this by editing every single article or product from within the corresponding apps on the Dashboard
  • Upload social images. This will be used to show the preview of your website pages when shared to social media like FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Optimize your pages for better performance. Reduce image sizes, use no more than 2 fonts. Here is a step by step guide we wrote for you to make sure your website loads blazing fast. Remember that faster website means that it will be easier for users to use your site.
  • ❗Important: Add your website to Google Search Console. Here is a step by step article that will walk you through this process. *Note that adding your website to Search Console is required, if you want to rank on Google
  • Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console. When you create a website on Ucraft, we automatically create a sitemap for you under /sitemap.xml address and then update it periodically as you add new pages in Pages app.

That's it for now! 

Sit back and give some time for the Google Bot to crawl your website. Continue monitoring your website via Google Search Console, as it will share some more great tips on how to further improve your rankings.

P.S. If you run into any questions or need a little help, hit the green chat button on the bottom right of your screen and ask away, we have someone on chat 24/7 to help. 

Best of luck with your SEO endeavors,
Organic Search Enthusiast @ Ucraft

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  • My site was showing up in Google great from the time I made my page (Nov 2018 til about a month ago) and then something changed on your end. It's no longer listed - at all. Totally gone from Google. I can't add the site to Google Search Console because I need to have a custom domain - not just the ucraft subdomain. I was told it was for 'security reasons' - I hope you can fix the security issue and change this back and allow your users to list their ucraft subdomains in Google. Because obviously it was possible. When you just have a small, hobby site - its not worth paying extra for a custom domain when 'me' is perfect!

    And doesn't it help drive more users to look into and set up sites with Ucraft if our pages (with a ucraft subdomain) are showing up in Google? There's a banner/link on the bottom of the users page, doesn't that help YOUR SEO?  

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    • CreativeHaven hi,


      thanks for reaching out and for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

      Adding a subdomain to search console is not available anymore, because it is difficult for us to moderate a huge number of websites, running under a subdomain belonging to Ucraft brand.

      Instead, we allow you to connect a custom domain and verify it with Google Search Console.

      This policy is not going to be reviewed in the near future, so connecting a domain is a good solution to your situation!


      Hope this answer helps!

      Happy crafting ✌️😎

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