Hi there Lost Legion , thank you for submitting to our Ucraft Forum!
As mentioned in the comment above, it is indeed possible to change the color of the Divider Element by simply drag and dropping the desired color from the left tool panel's Colors section.
Regarding the vertical divider, we will definitely review the possibility of it, meanwhile here are some workarounds to get it working!
Add a Blank Space Element, adjust the width and height by the black controllers on the sides and change the Background Color for it, or drag and drop the desired one. You can also adjust the shade area below the curve on an XY graph and change the Border Radius.
Another workaround is adding an Icon Element, searching for relevant keywords like 'vertical line' or 'line', opting for the best version and voilà! Feel free to change the size and the color for it, when scrolling down the Icon Settings.