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Hot’n’fresh: New features digest

This spring we’ve released many new features and updates on Ucraft.
Scroll down to take a tour through these important changes.

What’s inside:

  1. Optimize your website with images in WebP format
  2. Design a better structure with Blank Space element
  3. Grant Edit mode access to Support team
  4. Highlight text with background colors
  5. Apply blur effect to Images, Sliders, Galleries and Block Backgrounds
  6. Use advanced Font settings for articles and products
  7. Disable/Enable Add to Cart pop up
  8. Add Service pages to your new website
  9. 🐛🕷🦟 Bug fixes  

Optimize your website with images in WebP format

Now we support Google's WebP image format which is an alternative to PNG and JPG. The former produces much smaller file sizes and maintains similar image qualities.
But wait! Did you know that there is no need to upload an image in WebP format?
We will do the job for. Simply upload your image in JPEG or PNG format and we will automatically convert it.

Design a better structure with Blank Space element

Blank Space is an element that allows you to add some empty space to your website, for better structure. A blank space on a page is as important as a block full of elements. Even empty space serves a purpose and supports the visual integrity of a layout: attract attention, create visual hierarchy between elements and improve comprehension.
Note: You can adjust the width and height of the element to any dimension or simply change the color.


Grant Edit mode access to Support team

Ucraft Customer Success team can now help you with your questions, issues, or requests through your website’s Edit Mode by asking you to grant login access.
This will allow us to troubleshoot and fix issues stemming from your inquiry.
You can grant access by heading to your Profile → Account access section.
No worries, the access expires automatically after 30 days.


Highlight text with background colors

Colors are one of the most important elements that add credibility to your website. So we have added highlight a Background Color option for text editors. To enhance the readability simply highlight the text and choose a color to match your site's overall design.

Apply Blur effect to Images, Sliders, Galleries and Block Backgrounds

Now you can use Blur effect for your images. Use it to wipe out all the details or just highlight your text. Unlike the previous techniques, it can also add a sense of speed or activity to your images.
To check that on your own, go to Image Settings and move the pointer to make your images blurry.

Use advanced Font settings for articles and products

As you might know, changing the title of Articles and Products was available via Designer Tools. By popular demand, now we made it available to change the font style of the title right from element’s Style Settings.


Disable/Enable "Add to Cart" pop up

We have slightly updated the Add to Cart flow on your website by removing the Cart popup step every time the buyer adds an item to cart. This UX change will make purchase process smoother and increase the conversion rate.
In case you want to use the old UX, head over to eCommerce App → Settings → Cart and Checkout and enable Open bag when Add to bag is clicked option.


Add Service pages to your new website

Running a website or an online shop may require you to display terms of service, cookie policy, or other legal information on your site.
Certain regulations can be updated right from your Pages App → System pages section. Just select the page type and fill in the content.
We recommend placing your site’s policies in an accessible location like the footer.


🐛🕷🦟 Bug fixes  

This release includes some other enhancements and bug fixes to ensure the best user experience. Hope you are able to give it a try soon.


Have any questions? We're never more than a click away, so don’t hesitate to contact us via Live Chat and our Support Team will be there to help you to get started!

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