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Employee Success Story: When Customer Satisfaction Leaves You Satisfied

  • updated 3 yrs ago

Our Customer Success Specialist Vartan joined Ucraft around a year ago and brought his experience, enthusiasm, and passion to his role at Ucraft. Since customer support is a high priority at Ucraft, we are very meticulous when it comes to the hiring process. 

Vartan shares his thoughts on loving what you do and becoming a valuable and irreplaceable member of the Ucraft family. He speaks about the company spirit, achieving success as a customer support specialist, and other important points. Check out the interview here for those mentioned above and more!

  1. What are some of your qualities (professional and personal) that have helped you in your role in Ucraft? 
    If I could sum up the top 3 qualities, both professional or personal, that have helped me grow at Ucraft as a Customer Success Specialist, they would be the following:

    - Ability to use positive language. Despite a customer’s anger or frustration, we should always think of how to steer the conversation towards a positive outcome.
    Effective listening skills & willingness to understand. We should always be willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the customer is aware that we are resolving their issue, listening to their concerns, and paying attention to their needs to make their experience with Ucraft unforgettable.
    Patience! When working as a Customer Success Specialist, customers may become annoyed, rush you or even use offensive language when they are particularly irritated at something. Although it’s not exactly ethical behavior, you should remain polite and offer solutions regardless.


  2. What are some specificities of customer support? How do you overcome challenges on your path?

    Most companies put a lot of thought into making their product/service unique, reconsidering pricing policies and marketing tactics. However, they often overlook the quality of their customer service. 

    The skills needed to excel in the Customer Support department range from Communication, Relationship Building, and Empathy to Consistency, Time Management, and Product Knowledge. Also, you need to take into consideration that, when offering 24/7 support to your customers, you must be willing to work both morning and evening shifts according to the business needs.

    Particular challenges are difficult to overcome alone. This is where Ucraft’s incredible support team (led by Lena Khlghatyan) and Ucraft’s technical support team come to my aid. They play a critical role when bugs and other issues need urgent fixing.

  3. How do you view the environment at Ucraft? For example, which color would you associate the company with?

    Usually, when people are asked about what their work means to them, they see it as something that can fulfill them socially and financially. However, Ucraft, for me, is so much more than just performing your tasks to get a paycheck. Ucraft is like a second home filled with friends and professionals who are always learning, developing, and evolving to improve user experience.

    The color that would best describe Ucraft would be Fiery Red because I associate the environment with the following traits: competitive, demanding, determined, strong-willed, and purposeful.

  4. Where do you think the company is moving towards? How do you see you and your role evolve in this process?
    A couple of months ago, Ucraft Product Owners presented the latest updates of Ucraft Next, SpringBuilder X, and Hoory projects. Without giving any spoilers, I would just like to say it’s going to be a wild ride, so brace yourselves, folks! The future lies in AI and eCommerce, and it’s coming very soon. I am positive that these changes will create many great opportunities for the Ucraft family and me to help us climb our professional ladders and have a long-lasting and fruitful career path with the company.

  5. Tell us something about you that not many at Ucraft know.
    Currently, I am working two full-time jobs as a Customer Success Specialist in Armenia, both at UCRAFT and DISQO. Yup, that’s right, I am working 16 hours/day, and you know what? I love it!

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