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Employee Success Story: When Support Translates as Success

  • updated 3 yrs ago

Our Head of the Partner Success Team, Lena, joined Ucraft five years ago and brought her experience and passion to her role of customer success specialist at Ucraft. But things did not stop there.

Lena shares her thoughts on her journey at Ucraft, the specialties of customer support, building healthy relationships, and how to grow alongside your partners.

Check out the interview here for those mentioned above and more!

  1. What do you think, why is customer support considered as one of the most important aspects of any business? What’s customer support like at Ucraft? 

    Quality customer support definitely plays a major role for all types of businesses. However, it might be underrated if we only talk about answering customer questions and helping them solve technical issues. 

    At Ucraft, we refer to it as “customer success” rather than “support,” as the team’s goal is to ensure user satisfaction, engagement, and the overall success of their online projects. This leads to customer loyalty, a certain bond between customers and the people behind the product.

  2. Tell us a bit about your path at Ucraft - how did it start?
    It all started with the role of a customer support specialist. I was new to IT, so I was basically absorbing everything that was going on around me like a kid :) Currently, I am the head of the partner success team, which is more of a management role, where you need to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the industry and make the best practices work for the product and the team itself. Speaking of the team, I’m lucky to have teammates who are as obsessed with the product and its future as I am. 

  3. What place is Ucraft for you? How would you describe it best?

    I'd describe it as a place to grow, a place to invest. Frankly, I’ve read a few Success Stories from these series, the answers are so identical that we might even sound like members of the same religious cult. 

    Two things connect you to Ucraft: the human factor and the product itself. You become a part of a company culture where human qualities and professionalism are valued above all else. You get to work with incredibly talented people on a product you believe in, in other words, this is a match made in IT heaven.

  4. Tell us why they call you “Mama Bear”.

    Haha, not sure where this started from. But I do remember times when I used to stay awake until the guys from the night shift got home safely at 2 am. 

  5. How would you describe your experience as the Head of Ucraft’s Partner Success Team? Tell us some cases you’ve had, for instance, with frustrated partners.

    It’s all about trust and the inner responsibility of introducing Ucraft to a B2B niche. Over the last few years, the company has gained a stable base of significant partners worldwide. We aim to help these businesses scale further, build healthy relationships and grow together. 

  6. What criteria should be core when hiring a new team member? What would you advise beginners? 
    Education and experience are cool, but have you ever hired someone who’s open to learning? 

    I’d encourage beginner professionals to focus on self-improvement: new skills, new languages, new tools, new people. Switch, shift, evolve. Everything changes so fast these days, it’s the new normal.

  7. Tell us something about you that not many at Ucraft know.
    Well, I got involved in the jewelry business during the pandemic. The interesting fact is that my experience in product development at Ucraft has helped me immensely in understanding the production processes along with other nuances in product management and sales.

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