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Please make optional, for articles pages to be dynamic within same category

Will it be possibly to make available the option to design article pages differently even while they are categorized the same? I understand that you can add an 'article element' to a page but this is not helpful for user navigation and organization.

I still would like to have listed periodicals and be able to use the 'featured' and release date selections with them shown in a group on an article category page. But I'd like to do this without them all looking the same in the background and other added artwork to the page. I need each of my articles to look completely different and relative to subtopic even while they are designated to a certain topic category because that's where they belong. Otherwise I will have endless pages, and that is not practical, but seems to be my only option at the moment.

Even if I organize them under an article page with blank pages that I can design differently as subsections, as the articles listed on the header article page, the audience can click on them and go to a page I don't intend for them to view and not get the feel of design I curated for them to see as they read.

Please provide an optional feature for dynamic article pages to be available with it being in the same category as similar articles, with seperate unattached designs. Thank you!

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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