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Employee Success Story: The Scrum Master

  • updated 3 yrs ago

Our Chief Scrum Master Zepur joined Ucraft three years ago and has brought her experience and passion as a scrum master to her role at Ucraft in Armenia. 

She shares her thoughts on what it's like to work and lead a team at Ucraft. She shares her experience on succeeding as a team player, the company environment, and other essential questions: what is growth, and how does one achieve it at Ucraft?

Let’s hear her take on things!

  1. So, after three years at Ucraft, can you pinpoint the moment you realized you made the right decision to choose to work here?

    About a month after I came to Ucraft, I realized that this is the right place for me. Before joining Ucraft, I worked in about seven other places and never had that feeling of belonging. Across my background of different cultural and work experiences, it was easy to find myself here - as a professional and individual.

    What made it feel so? The team was transparent, open, and honest from the very beginning. I would get varied feedback and comments openly from everyone. Thus, I always had an idea of what was wrong and what needed to be improved.

  2. Tell us a bit about your current role - how has it evolved, and how do you see it evolving in the future?

    The role of a scrum master is challenging: it is about balancing product growth, market success, team heath, their experiences, making sure the team knows and loves what they do and excels in their achievements. 

    When I joined Ucraft first, the scrum master role was not entirely clear to me; it was more like taking up mixed roles. With time, knowledge, and growth, I fully took on the role of a scrum master, and I am very proud of that. 

    I am very content with the fact that all the products at Ucraft have a dedicated scrum master, and the processes are taken care of professionally. 

    I joined Ucraft as the Scrum Master of Springbuilder; later on, I was offered the product owner role of Hoory. That experience put me in the shoes of a Product Owner, for which I was able to look and feel from a Scrum Master’s point of view. I am currently the chief Scrum Master at Ucraft; I coach and work directly with our Product Owners and Scrum Masters.

    I’ve become so attached to Ucraft that now it is not about how my role will grow; it’s more about how Ucraft can grow. Since, as Ucraft grows, we will grow with it.

  3. Do you have a specific memorable accomplishment - something you are most proud of that you achieved at Ucraft?
    The most significant accomplishment at Ucraft was finding true friends - real and lifelong friends. After moving to Armenia, that was a challenge for me, but now I am grateful for the people I’ve gained in my life.

  4. How do you define success? What qualities can make a person successful at Ucraft? 
    True success is when what you do is beneficial for your community. Success is when you can bring people up with you - teach and guide them to the road of success.

  5. Is there anything you wish you knew before you started working here? 
    One thing anyone should know before coming to Ucraft is that there are no employees and bosses here. There are teams, team members, colleagues, and leaders. Here, best administration is associated with serving the professional needs of the community. It’s not about having you work from 10 to 7; it’s about you achieving what you came here for.

  6. What are the three words to describe the environment at Ucraft?
    Growth, Happiness, Loyalty.

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