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Collecting information: What’s the easiest way to collect info from my users❓🤔

Collecting any information from your users is important for maintaining long-term relationships and communication. Besides, knowing your visitors is the only way to provide them with a customized experience. Here is where the Form element comes in handy! Place it on your crafting area and change the settings as you wish.

You can ask your users to submit information about ANYTHING.
But, remember 

  • Keep it short and simple.
  • Only collect the data that you need.
  • Don’t spam with the gathered info.

    If the form is too long or questions are of intimate matters, I assure you, this’ll turn your users away. But where is this information saved after? Ucraft offers multiple possible ways to collect this data. You can choose to send the info to the email address you provide, or collect it on Mailchimp, Google Sheets or Intercom by just connecting and logging in to the respective account. And remember that form submission is one of the most common conversions on a website (signing up for a newsletter, registering for an event, submitting a contact request, downloading an ebook).

    And make sure to track your conversions with GTM or FB pixel.
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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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