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Employee Success Story: Meet Our Head of Regionals

  • updated 2 yrs ago

Some employees have been with us from the beginning and stuck with Ucraft through thick and thin. Gog is an OG Ucrafter and our current Head of Regional Offices, but she started out as a marketing manager back in 2015. The first version of Ucraft had just been launched when Gog joined the team, but she soon made her way up to Marketing Director, and now Head of Regionals. 

We sat down with Gog to discuss her journey at Ucraft, her current role, and some cool facts about her as a person. Let’s dive in!

  1. Let’s start! Gog, tell us a bit about your journey at Ucraft. How did it all start? What was Ucraft like back in 2015?
    Those were good times. Ucraft was still a baby product, but already had huge potential. The team was small, but each and every member was 100% sure that we would experience incredible success, and everyone was passionate about the upcoming journey. I joined the team as a young and ambitious marketer; as someone who had just left her job in the financial sector and was ready to use her creative ideas to develop a promising product.
  2. Thinking about the old times and now - has Ucraft changed a lot? What changes can you highlight? 

    Frankly speaking, everything and nothing has changed since then. For example, Ucraft as a product changed a lot; now, we have a far more advanced SaaS solution - which obviously makes me really proud. Also, our team has grown considerably during these years. Now we have a better structure and appropriate specialists for each job, who know what to do, as well as their personal and professional goals.

    But some things never change, like the passion of our teammates, consistently working to make Ucraft better and more convenient for everyday users. 

  3. Tell us a bit about your current role - how has it evolved, and how do you see it evolving in the future?
    When I tell people that I’ve been working for the same company for over 7 years, people automatically assume that I am bored of my job or even looking for new job opportunities. As previously mentioned, I began my career as a Marketing Manager, and now I’m the Head of Regionals. This means that I’ve experienced growth in my department and had an opportunity to change my field of work and discover who I am.  

    We have functioning offices in both Yerevan, Armenia, and California, USA. Currently, we are planning our expenditure in Western Asia, as we predict high growth potential and are keen on entering the market.

  4. How do you define success as the Head of Regionals? What qualities can make a person successful at Ucraft? 
    It’s easy to succeed at Ucraft, as the company gives you all the opportunities to achieve that goal. Hard work, continuous development of skills, dedication, and the motivation to create and grow are appreciated within the company. These qualities will help an employee experience consistent growth within the company and as a professional.

    As for me, additional characteristics I can highlight for my personal growth are managerial, communication, negotiation skills, and the ability to deal with different types of partners, customers, and colleagues.

  5. We know that alongside working at Ucraft, you have your own business, which you successfully manage. Tell us a little about it.
    My second baby! For a couple of years, I kept this idea in mind that Armenia's job market needs a boost towards making it easy to find professionals online. We didn’t have a digital marketplace where professionals from different fields were listed, and users could easily find, compare and contact them. It took me two years to create and launch this platform called YesKanem (I’ll do it! - translated from Armenian). 

    My main goal at the moment is to concentrate all my efforts on promoting the platform and helping more customers find qualified specialists for their needs.

  6. If you could visit any country on the planet, where would you go and why?
    As a travel addict, I discover new countries and fall in love with each of them every time I travel. Theoretically, I can visit any country, so to dream big means traveling to another planet at this point, which I would love to do!

  7. As a devoted musicaholic, what is your favorite song you'd like to share with us?
    As a devoted musicaholic, I can never choose just one song, but I would love to share the last three songs I’ve listened to today: Lauryn Hill - Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You, Disclosure - Willing & Able ft. Kwabs, Janis Joplin - Kozmic Blues!

  8. As a closing point, our favorite question - tell us a fun fact about you that not many at Ucraft know. 

    I’ve always dreamt of meeting Michael Jackson but unfortunately never had that chance, so I decided to visit his grave during my first visit to LA in 2017. I knew that Jackson’s gravesite is only available for family and their small circle, but I was confident that I would somehow visit it. I bought red roses, convinced my friends to come with me, and started our journey into Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. 

    For over 5 hours, we wandered around, made unlimited google searches, and asked for any information from everyone we met. Finally, we found the spot where he was buried, and it was surrounded by high walls, many security guards where anyone visiting had to show ID. So I got as close as possible, but I’m not giving up, so if you have any information or any possible way to visit Jackson’s grave, just DM me! 

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