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How to create a header/footer with social icons when you can't use the social icon bar

Hey all, I'm really liking the platform so far but have been incredibly disappointed with the social links bar and the restriction around images/icons.

I want a social icons bar (see above) but I need to link several platforms which the site does not support, including Twitch, Tumblr, and Ko-Fi, however I cannot find a good, cohesive way to do this.

I tried uploading all my own icons as images, but there are limits to how many images you can have in a row, no good way to space them out, and it all ended up looking terrible.

I then tried using the social bar above and creating the 3 additional icons by hand then uploading them, but the site does not allow me to have images to be small enough to match the existing icons (20px.) It enlarges/pixelates the icons and will not allow me to use their actual size.

I've sunk a lot of time into setting up this website, but if I can't find a nice way to link to Twitch and Ko-Fi, I'm going to have to find another host. Please help!

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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