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Generate RSS feed for your Articles using Ucraft


I was just exploring to commonly used questions in the Ucraft support channel and found out that a lot of people want to generate an RSS feed out of their Article categories.

Users mainly ask: ‘Is it possible to generate blog feed from the articles written in Articles app?’

The answer is ‘Yes’, it’s definitely possible!

Here is my short step by step guide on how to create your RSS Feed URL in Ucraft. To do so please follow these steps:

1. Go to Edit mode of your website
2. Dashboard > Articles app > Categories tab
3. Create a category and name it like ‘Blog’
4. Head over to Dashboard > Pages app
5. Create a new ‘Article type’ page and name it ‘Blog’
6. Go to the Settings of the newly created page and from there find the Category dropdown. 
7. Open the dropdown and select ‘Blog’ category.
8. Open the page in the public mode. It should be smth like
9. Right click on the page and choose ‘View Page Source’
10. Search for RSS or Feed in the <head> section.

That’s it, the URL of your blog’s RSS is now ready to be used anywhere!

Hope this helps!


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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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