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Ucraft style header element for login

A header element that has the login features that the ucraft website has for logging in to ucraft. Elegant and easy to navigate.

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  • Hey Victoria,

    Have you got a chance to look into the 'User account' element so far?
    Ucraft made it a reality for Pro Website, Pro Shop and BigCommerce subscribers. All you need to do is drag and drop the element to your header area and make fine adjustments to single button and field according to your taste, with the help of Designer Tools and User account Settings.


    I'd also suggest skimming the following article before getting started to understand how everything works.

  • Thanks Intoro, yes i have seen it but it would save a lot of time and effort to just be able to drop it in as a block. 

    • Ah i see what you mean with the user account element. Had not seen it in preview.

    • No worries, Victoria 😉 
      Feel free to keep exploring or shoot any questions my way. 

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  • Status Answered
  • 5 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 183Views
  • 2 Following