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Employee Success Story: Destined for a Career in IT

  • updated 2 yrs ago

Time flies by pretty fast. Our PO and OG Ucraft family member Armine has been with us for seven years and counting. Although she started out as a QA specialist, Armine soon became one of our most valuable and dedicated employees. Not only does she know Ucraft like the back of her hand, but she’s also the go-to person for any emergencies.

Check out her story below!

  1. Let’s start from the beginning. How did you end up joining the Ucraft QA team?
    One day, our CEO Gev posted a status on Facebook about Ucraft needing a QA specialist. My sister-in-law mentioned me in the comments, and Gev called me and asked me to come for an interview as soon as possible. After my interview, I was given a task to complete and was invited to a demo meeting. Back then, Ucraft only had three widgets. All team members were very passionate about the product and upcoming features, and that impressed me. In that first meeting, I realized that I had the potential to be a part of something new and unique.  
  2. Seven years is quite a while! You moved up the career ladder from a QA specialist to PO: what would you say one needs for career growth and development at Ucraft?
    I would say the most important thing for career growth is desire. Since everyone at Ucraft is very supportive, everyone will guide and help you if you are ready to work on your growth and achieve your goals.
  3. All this being said, what would you be doing if you weren’t on this career path?
    Actually, I have no idea. Starting from the age of 7, I aspired to be a developer. Fast forward to when I was studying at University to be a Data Security Specialist, I started working as an intern in a company that later offered me a permanent position as a QA specialist. That’s where my career in IT started, and I guess I was just destined to be in this industry. 
  4. We’ve heard you’re into design and website building in your free time. Can you expand on that a bit?
    This hobby speaks for my love and passion for our product as I use it in my free time for fun. I have created many websites with Ucraft: my personal website, several eCommerce websites for my friends, and a few business websites, and I will continue doing that for sure.
  5. We know you have an amazing baby son who likes to play and discover dinosaurs together! Is it hard to combine hard work and family time? How do you manage to do it?
    My son was three months old when I came back to work. We like to be together but do our own thing at the same time. He also loves participating in our morning standup meetings, so we have fun even while I work. Thankfully, he is not a gadget-obsessed kid and also likes to read books about dinosaurs and play with his dinosaur toys.
  6. As per tradition - share a fun fact about you that nobody knows!
    I have a terrible memory and often forget family members’ birthdays. However, this bad memory of mine seems to be selective because I remember every single Ucraft discussion and meeting we’ve had over the last seven years :)
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