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Employee Success Story: The Art of Motion Graphics Design

  • updated 2 yrs ago

Ucraft’s animator and motion graphics designer Emin joined the company back when it was just a small SaaS startup and has stayed with us from that point onwards.

This week, we sat down with him to discuss his journey with the company, what challenges he faced as a motion graphic designer, and even an exciting hobby not many people know about. 

Read on to learn Emin’s story!

  1. You joined Ucraft quite a long time ago. Tell us what made you want to join Ucraft, what was your position when you first started, and how has it evolved since then?
    I joined Ucraft back when it was just an idea that required hard work and enthusiasm to realize. Gev (our CEO), I, and many others who are still with us were working for a company called Bang2Joom, which Gev also founded. We started discussing the idea of Ucraft quite a lot at the time, brainstorming various investment opportunities that could bring our concept to life.

    So one fateful day in early 2014, Gev came to the office and said: “Guys, I found some people who are interested in our idea, and they want to invest in it.” It worked out, so we packed our stuff and moved to our new office. At first, my position was 2D/3D animator. As time went on, I started to learn new skills, evolve as a professional, and reach new heights - one of them being that I am now the Motion Graphics Lead at Ucraft. 
  2. Tell us a bit about the intricacies of motion graphics. How difficult is it to bring life to still animations, and what was the most challenging task you ever had to complete?

    First of all, I love my job, which means that I take on any challenges with a good spirit. However, quality motion graphics and animation are tough to achieve. You need to work very hard, always learn and make sure that you are on the same page with the industry standards and trends - especially since it is expanding quickly. Every day, there is something new, and if you are not following the industry trends, your work will begin to fade out. So you must always be on the move.

    What concerns the most challenging task ever given to me, I can’t think of a specific example. All projects that I have worked on have been challenging in their own way. You start working on projects, thinking of specific solutions, and learning new techniques as you go. You feel like it’s the hardest task in the world, and then you look back and realize it was easy compared to what you are doing now. So I think the most challenging task is still waiting for me. 

  3. We know you have a passion for poker, and you’ve participated in various poker tournaments. What can you tell us about that?

    You’re spot on! I do have a passion for poker, and I can talk about it all day, but I’d better keep this one short. Poker is a very interesting and exciting game; just like in your career, you should always be learning and growing. Every game is different, and every hand is unique. 

    Before the birth of my first child, I was playing poker a lot. However, my priorities changed now that I am more focused on my family and career.

  4. All this being said, what would you be doing if you weren’t on this career path?
    I have thought about this one a lot. Continuing on from my last answer, if I weren’t a motion graphics designer, I would definitely be a professional poker player - moving from city to city and participating in different tournaments. 

  5. Recommend a movie you think everyone should watch.
    The Terminal. It’s a 2004 American comedy-drama film starring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones. In this movie, you will find adventures, happiness, comedy, sadness, romance, and joy - all in one storyline. If you have not watched The Terminal yet, I highly recommend it - you’re missing out! 

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